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Simplification of a 2D-polyline or a 3D-polyline

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Simplification of a 2D-polyline or a 3D-polyline.


    // create an instance of the simplifier (empty array needed by List.toArray)
    Simplify<Point> simplify = new Simplify<Point>(new MyPoint[0]);

    // here we have an array with hundreds of points
    Point[] allPoints = ...
    double tolerance = ...
    boolean highQuality = true; // Douglas-Peucker, false for Radial-Distance

    // run simplification process
    Point[] lessPoints = simplify.simplify(allPoints, tolerance, highQuality);

Please note The algorithm squares differences of x, y and z coordinates. If this difference is less than 1, the square of it will get even less. In such cases, the tolerance has negative effect.

Solution: multiply your coordinates by a factor so the values are shifted in a way so that taking the square of the differences creates greater values.

If your Points don't have the com.goebl.simplify.Point interface, you can implement it on your Point-Class, or (better w.r.t. separation of concerns) provide an implementation of the PointExtractor interface.

Here is an example (taken from the test cases):

Example for your own point-class, let's assume it's not possible/desirable to let it implement com.goebl.simplify.Point interface:

public class LatLng {
    private final double lat;
    private final double lng;

    public LatLng(double lat, double lng) { = lat;
        this.lng = lng;

    public double getLat() {
        return lat;

    public double getLng() {
        return lng;

In the class where you simplify the points, you need a PointExtractor. As mentioned above, the resulting x and y values are shifted in a space where delta-x and delta-y are no longer very small numbers below 1:

private static PointExtractor<LatLng> latLngPointExtractor = new PointExtractor<LatLng>() {
    public double getX(LatLng point) {
        return point.getLat() * 1000000;

    public double getY(LatLng point) {
        return point.getLng() * 1000000;

Simplification now works like this. Using a PointExtractor has the positive effect that you get an array of your original points, not copies:

LatLng[] coords = ... // the array of your "original" points

Simplify<LatLng> simplify = new Simplify<LatLng>(new LatLng[0], latLngPointExtractor);

LatLng[] simplified = simplify.simplify(coords, 20f, false);

For more examples see src/test/java/*/Test.

Maven Coordinates


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